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Glen Ridge High School

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Chinese Club


Welcome to Glen Ridge Chinese Club/Chinese Honor Society

Chinese Club dedicated to creating awareness and an understanding of the Chinese and related Asian culture, heritage, and identity. The club strives to facilitate academic, social, and cultural interaction among students, faculty, and members of the community through various events. Students will examine these themes through weekly meetings, activities, and field trips to museums, restaurants, theaters, and Chinese cultural centers.


The Club will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays after school in room 114 or virtually at 2 pm with the advisor of Ms. Zhang.

Meetings will involve projects, visiting speakers, seminars, and classic films on the cultural appreciation of Chinese civilization.

Students will investigate contemporary issues of modern China including music, art, film, cooking, society, and social issues.

There are no prerequisites to membership. All GRHS students are welcomed to attend.

 Questions or suggestions? Please email club advisor, Ms. Shihong Zhang, at