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Glen Ridge High School

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Guidance Staff

Guidance Phone Number

(973) 429-8309


Lindsey Deptula


Oksana D'Andrea


Lawrence Rothweiler


Erin Follet--Guidance Administrative Assistant


Lori Mundy--Middle School Guidance


Jill Landgraber - Tier II Counselor 7-12


The administration and faculty at Glen Ridge High School are keenly aware of the importance of careful planning during the middle and high school years to prepare for college admission. 

In Grade 7, emphasis is placed upon the development of good work habits. Scheduling decisions are made for foreign language and math. In the fall, a grade level breakfast for parents allows for discussion of issues and procedures and establishes a working relationship with the guidance counselors.

After the parent/student night meeting for Grade 8, high school classes are selected with the “big picture” in mind relative to the four year sequence of courses. Students are encouraged to take the most challenging program appropriate to their abilities.

Grade 9 students are made aware that colleges will receive a transcript of all courses from freshman year through senior year, and that admission committees expect students to challenge themselves in each of their four years of high school. Selection of grade 10 courses will take place in the winter.

Grade 10 students attend a large group meeting to inform them about the PSAT. Sophomores are permitted to take these tests as practice for the SAT and ACT, which may be required colleges. Students review the results with their counselor.

The College Fair  at Glen Ridge High School offers students exposure to a variety of colleges and an opportunity to speak with representatives in a comfortable setting. 

Sophomores select their 11th grade classes in the winter. Students who are capable of performing well in a foreign language are encouraged to continue to advanced levels.  Students are also urged to continue their involvement in extracurricular activities in which they have shown an interest during their first two years of high school. 

Grade 11 students meet in a large group setting to discuss the PSAT. Students review the test results with their counselor. 

Juniors attend the College Fair at Glen Ridge High School.

Juniors and their parents are invited to the annual informational meeting on college admissions and selection. A guest speaker from a college admissions office makes the presentation.  

The parent/student/counselor meeting is held to review the high school record and SAT/ACT scores and to assess possible post-high school plans. These meetings are usually one hour long.  One of the goals of this meeting is to develop a list of possible colleges to consider and strategies to employ.  

In the spring of the junior year, students take the SAT  and/or  the ACT. Students taking AP classes will take AP exams in May of this year. 

In Grade 12, class meetings are held with the counselors to review procedures for the college application process. Information regarding requesting transcripts, and explaining the protocols for the application process will be discussed. 

Ongoing individual meetings are held with counselors to finalize college selections, interview for the counselor letter of recommendation, and secure assistance in processing applications. Counselors also work with students on personal issues, such as anxiety.

Students are advised of scholarship opportunities on an ongoing basis.

Students are invited to attend the Glen Ridge High School college fairs. 

In the fall, students take the SAT  and/or the ACT.

An evening presentation for parents is held during early October on the topic “Financing a College Education”.  A college financial aid director reviews the process and answers questions. 

Students enrolled in AP classes take AP exams in May.

Counselors meet individually with seniors to hold final interviews and help allay anxieties.