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Glen Ridge High School

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Whether you are new to Glen Ridge Middle School or High School or an old timer, here are some quick links and descriptions you may find helpful.  If you think of something we could add here, email **This information is accurate under NORMAL school conditions and the 2020-21 school year is anything but NORMAL! Please watch school emails for updates.
Note any item underlined within the descriptions is clickable and will link you to the webpage referenced. 

Address & Contact Information - Glen Ridge High School & Middle School Program

Glen Ridge High School & Middle School

200 Ridgewood Avenue, Glen Ridge NJ 07028  

Fax 973-429-3531 Voice Mail 973-429-8300
Menu 3 Hours of Session 7:55am - 2:45pm
Phone Numbers:
Main 973-429-8303
Attendance 973-429-4872
Athletics 973-429-7461
Guidance 973-429-8309
Activities - Learn more about every HS Club, including contact information.  Click here to access the HS Activities page menu.
 For information on the MS Clubs visit the MS Club page by clicking here.

Activity Fee - The Glen Ridge Public School District will continue to charge an activity fee for the 2020-21 school year.  All high school students in grades 9-12 who participate in our co-curricular programs will pay a fee of $300 per student with a family cap of $550 for two or more students.  This will allow us to continue our program without a reduction in co-curricular offerings or staff.

Administration -  Contact information about the HS administration can be found under the Adminstration tab on the main page of the HS Website.
Alternate Funding (AFC) - The Alternate Funding raises funds for Technology, Capital & Other Projects in our schools that would not be funded otherwise or would require tax increases in order to be funded.  Alternate Funding is a Committee of the H&S Executive Council, where the H&S President is a member. 
Athletics - Another great website full of helpful information for your student athlete, including, Athletic Forms, Q&A, Schedules, Away Directions, Code of Sportsmanship, College Athletic Info, Practice Dates, Hall of Fame, Home Fields, Important Information Concussion Policy, Parent/Coach Communication, Cardiac Risk Assessment, Heat Acclimation, NJSIAA Start Dates, Non Contact Period), PE Exemption Form (if you play a varsity sport you can be exempt from PE if you are in 10-12 grades and do not have a study during the day) and much much more.
Athletic Forms - Forms are due for each sport each season.  Your student's physical is good for one year, but all other forms must be resubmitted each season in order for your student to be cleared to play.  Forms are available on the Athletic Website (see above) and handed out by the Coaches during sign up.    Please submit forms by deadlines or else your student will not be allowed to practice or play.  Check out the website for all the forms you'll need!
Athletic Schedules - The best place to find the most up-to-date information on sports schedules is  You can sign up for alerts (game time, location, weather updates) to be texted to your phone too!  Click here to access the Athletic Schedulepage with more information.
Arts and Eco Fair - The HSA and Go Green Glen Ridge have partnered to run the Glen Ridge Arts and Eco Fair the first Saturday in May. Click here for more information.
Attendance - If your child is going to be late or absent, please call the Attendance Desk as early as possible at 973-429-4872  leave your child's name, grade and a contact phone for any follow up. The phone number is also on the home page of the High School Website. You can also email
Back To School Night -  9/12 from 7-9pm.  Follow your student's schedule for the evening, meet their teachers and their friends' parents and feel like you are on the Amazing Race trying to figure out where the next classroom is located (maps are provided).  
Back to School Website - Another great resource not to be missed, Under the Our School's Menu with information on Activity Fee, Adult Student Letter, AP Letter, Family Life Curriculum, Grade 7-12 Health Tops, Emergency Closing Information, Delayed Opening Information, Half Day Schedule, High School and Middle School Daily Schedule, Calculator Information, Parking Lot Safety, Internet Safety, FERPA Notification of Rights, and Bullying policy. 
Block 9  - 2:50 - 3:15pm -  Teachers are available After School to meet with your children.  Schedules are usually confirmed on the teachers website.
Board of Education - Elected Annually, these tireless volunteers ensure standards of excellence are maintained and surpassed for the School District.  The Board meets regularly and the community is encouraged to attend, 8pm at GRHS in the LGI room on the following dates 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 10/28, Nov - July TBD.
Cafeteria Menus - Visit the Our Schools Menu and click on Cafeteria or Click here for the menus
Chromebooks - Each student at Glen Ridge MS/HS is issued a Chromebook at the start of 7th grade or their time at GRHS/MS. Each family is required to pay insurance on that piece of equipment. The fees are $30 for one with a maximum family fee of $50. If a Chromebook is in need of repair, please contact Mrs. Savio in the Media Center.
Clubs - See Activities 
District Staff - 12 High Street is the District Office.  The Superintendent, Student Services and the Business Office are located here.  For more information, visit the District home page to access information on curriculum, student services, Superintendent, technology, the Arts and the Board of Education.
Dress Code - The GRHS & MS Dress Code is addressed in the Student Handbook. See Student Handbook for links.
Early Dismissal - See Half Days 
Emergency Closings - GR uses Skylert System to bring emergency news and school closings to parents via telephone, cell phone and or PDA.  This is why it's important to update your contact information each school year as requested.  Parents can also call the main number 973-429-8300 to listen to the emergency notifications.   
Executive Council - The president of each Home & School Association, meets monthly with the BOE president and the superintendent of school the Tuesday after  the Board of Education Meeting.  The Council coordinates district wide H&S initiatives, manages the scholarship aid funds, raises money for scholarship through Fundraisers like Boon Supply fundraiser, Fall Family Photos, Magical Family Getaways and Squeaky Clean. It also directs the activities of the Alternate Funding Committee, AmazonSmile, and the Kitchen Tour.  
Facebook - Official page is the Glen Ridge High School & Middle School page - Search Facebook for Glen Ridge High School-Middle School and request to be added to the group. This is a place to ask - does anyone know..., or to remind us of an upcoming HS & MS event, or to  give props to a great game or event, or respectful feedback. If you have a comment that can be best addressed by a member of the administration, please direct your feedback directly to the appropriate person rather than on the Facebook page.
Faculty -  You can easily email any GRHS & MS faculty member or access their website by clicking here to the Faculty page
Family Access - See Skyward below
Girls Club - The Girls' Club  of Glen Ridge is a community service and social organization whose members include high school students who are residents of Glen Ridge and/or attend Glen Ridge High School. Members meet monthly during the school year at the Women's Club of Glen Ridge to plan events and activities.  The Girls Club is not affiliated with GRHS.  Click here for website.
GRASE - The Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (“GRASE”) is a parent-organized group that works together with administrators and teachers to create an educational and social environment where all students – whether receiving special education services or not – can be successful. GRASE also provides support and information to parents whose children receive special education services. Click here for more information 
GRMPA  - Glen Ridge Music Parents Association  - Marching Band at Home Football Games, Band Competitions, Pancake Breakfast, Fruit Sale, click here for their website
GREF - The Glen Ridge Educational Foundation enhances educational opportunities and promotes community involvement in the Glen Ridge public schools. The organization attracts private financial and other resources to help the Glen Ridge School District trial and implement programs that elevate student achievement in today’s competitive world,  Click here to access
Guidance - Click here to access the Guidance Website  a wealth of information  including the College Application Process, Counselors, Guidance Events, Guidance Overview, Helpful Websites, Monthly Bulletins, Naviance, New Student Registration, Presentations (from the Guidance Breakfasts), Program of Studies, Scheduling, Scholarships, School Profile, Testing Information, Transcript requests, Virtual High School.
Glen Ridge Public Library -  located at 240 Ridgewood Avenue, offers amazing resources for parents and students and alike.  Click here to access
Grades - translate a letter to a number or vice versa- When you are in Skyward and checking grades, if you click on the letter grade on the Upper Right Corner it will give you a Grade Mark Legend which will tell you letters assigned to number point ranges.  A listing is also contained in the Student Handbook.
Half Days - At GR Middle School & High School dismissal is at 12pm on half days.  
Health Office -  Our school nurse is Ms. Jennifer O'Connor.  She has created a website full of helpful information for you and your student.  Click here to access the Health Office website.
Home & School -  sometimes called PTA at other schools, the HS and Middle have one H&S which meets monthly in support of both schools, learn more by clicking all the menu items to the left.
Honors - There are High Honors and Honors.  High Honors is defined by 3.75 grade point average and no C's in any subject .  Honors is defined by 3.0 grade point average and no C's in any subject.  More information is contained in the Student Handbook.  In June separate events are held to honor Middle School and HS Honor Students.  Parents of students who have achieved High Honors or Honors for each semester will be invited to attend.
Hours of Session - Classes Start at 7:55am and end at 2:47pm.  Get the daily schedules, by period, for the High School and Middle school in the Our School section of the website. 
Library - At School, aka the Media Center, located in the center of the second floor.  Often used for parent meetings.  Open to students 7:50am to 4pm.  Visit the Library webpage for Hours, Availability, Resources, Research Tools, Fun & Interesting stuff!
LGI Room -  Entering GRHS, make a left at the main desk, down to the end of the Hall. Turn left again and the front door of the LGI room will be on your right. This Room is often used for Parent and Student meetings and Board of Ed Meetings.  The room is also equipped for special Drama Club productions. This room was just recently renovated thanks to fundraising efforts by the HS HSA (and painting by the HS/MS Administrative Team!).
Lockers - HS and MS students use 2 lockers and 2 school issued locks, one for books and a gym locker.  It's never a bad idea to remind students to clean out their gym lockers on Fridays, as long as they remember to bring the clean stuff back on Monday!
MAC - Municipal Alliance Committee - State Alliance to prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.  All GR schools benefit from state funded programs.  Click here to visit, which the information is dated much is till accurate.  Current chairpeople are Ross Fields and Hayley Krischer. You can find more information GRMAC Facebook page.
Marking Periods - For 2020-21 Marking Periods will be as follows
First Sept 1 - Nov 4, Second Nov 9 - Jan 27, Third Jan 28 - April 9,  Fourth April 19 - June 17 
Mid Terms will take place on January 21, 22, 25, 26.  There are no Final Exams for the 2020-2021 school year.  Report Cards will be issues electronically through Skyward. 
Media Center - see Library  
Middle School -  The 7th and 8th graders are known as the Middle School.  There are lots of places to look for information, try the Home & School  Middle School WebPages.  The Middle School site includes information on Transition, Class Trips and Events, The MS Handbook, Parent Breakfast Presentations, Scheduling & Program of Studies, School Counselor, Student Council,and Testing, as well as a link to the MS Counselor Jill Landgraber, who attends the Monthly H&S meetings to update parents on MS Activities.
Mid Terms -  For the 2020-2021 school year, students will receive Mid-Term exams. Quarterly exams will be given in the five content areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and World Language). Exams will be cumulative exams that include material from the entire first half of the year. The grade from the exams will be incorporated into the marking period grade and will not exceed 20% of the total points.  For 2020-2021, Mid-Terms will be given January 21, 22, 25, 26.
National Honor Society - Election to the NHS is a tremendous accomplishment.  Students invited into membership must display exceptional achievement in Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service.  In addition to maintaining a GPA of 3.8 at the end of the 2nd marking period of Junior or Senior year, inductees must also prove achievement in Service, Leadership and Character.   For more information click here to visit the NHS webpage.
Naviance  -  Naviance is a necessary resource in getting though the college application.  It can also be used to see how students grades and test scores measure up against others who applied to the same schools your student is interested in.  During Junior year, your student will be introduced to Naviance and both you and your student will get log ins.  GRHS requires Naviance for the following tasks Creating a resume/activity sheet, Creating a Student Brag Sheet, Creating a Parent Brag Sheet, ­Match your Common Application Account to Naviance and Waiving your right (given under FERPA) to read/have access to your counselor and teacher recommendations,  Request your HS Transcripts to be sent to colleges, Determine whether a school requires Electronic Submission or Mailed Submission (for transcripts, school and counselor/teacher recommendations), Indicate whether using the common application for each application, Request Teacher Recommendations and Track Application Submission Status.  If you have questions, please speak to your Guidance Counselor or click here for the Naviance page.
Our School Section of the HS Website - This is a fantastic webpage full of information including Back to School Information, Bell Schedules, Cafeteria menus, Digital Backpack the HS Handbook (the MS one is on the MS site, see Handbooks), National Honor Society, Text Book Inventory and Senior Tuition Policy.
Parent Teacher Conferences - The GRHS and MS uses a system called PickATime to electronically register for Parent Teacher Conferences.  You are highly encouraged to register early as slots fill up.  PT Conferences for 2020-2021 are October 15th & 22nd and March 18th.  Teachers are always available via email to answer any questions and address your concerns.  You can find teachers emails and webpages with lots of great information on the Website under Faculty by clicking here. 
Peer Leadership -  Each year 10 Junior Boys and 10 Junior Girls are selected to become Peer Leaders for their Senior Year.  Senior Year these Peer Leaders meet with 8th graders weekly to discuss important topics to prepare the 8th graders for the transition to HS.  Peer Leaders applications are available to Juniors in February are followed by group interviews.   For More information, email Ms. Landgraber at 
Photos (school photos) -  School Photos are taken in school each September.  This year school photos will 9/17 & 9/18 for Grades 7-11 and 9/3 & 9/4 for Seniors.  These pictures are included in the HS or MS yearbook depending on the age of your student.  Pictures can be ordered, order forms are sent home with students.
Project Graduation - A Glen Ridge Tradition the night of Graduation since 1961.  Read More on the Project Graduation Page.
Scholarship - There are many scholarships available to graduating seniors, many need based, but others that are not.  Guidance compiles and manages the process.  Most applications are due in May.  
School Calendar - The School Calendar, with vacations and events, for this year and next is available on the district webpage.  There are a couple of versions you can download and print.  Click here to access the calendar. 
Sportsman Service League - is a community service and social organization whose members include high school student athletes who are residents of Glen Ridge and/or attend Glen Ridge High School. Members assist the senior community with leaf raking in the Fall, Snow Shoveling in the Winter and many other service based activities.  The League is not affiliated with GRHS.  
Student Parent Handbooks - Students are provided an Agenda each year which includes Student Handbook information.  These rules and guidelines are available on line as well click here for the Middle School Handbook and here for the High School Handbook. 
Skyward - aka Family Access.  Students and Parents have their own log ons to this amazing tool used to take tests, register for classes, track attendance, activities and grades.  The site also provides a School Directory and maintains emergency contact information for parents. Access Family Access/Skyward with the Family Access button on the main page of the High School webpage. Contact the Technology Department for help with Skyward.
Virtual High School -   Virtual High School offers our students a way to experience learning in entirely new way, completely via the Internet.  VHS is a collaboration of more than 200 high schools giving our students the chance to have teachers and classmates from across the country and around the world.   VHS allows students an opportunity to pursue an area of particular interest.  Students can choose to take courses not offered at GRHS, including Honors and Advanced Placement courses.  Speak to your Students Guidance Counselor.
Yearbooks -  Both the HS and MS have their own yearbooks.  At the HS and MS there is a yearbook class that can be taken.  Order forms for both books will be emailed home.