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Glen Ridge High School

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What is Project Graduation?

Project Graduation (PG) has been a GR Tradition since 1961.  PG Activities begin immediately following the High School Graduation Ceremony with a Dinner Dance for the graduates at the GR Country Club, followed by an aweseom themed Tent Party with games and prizes, which is often followed by a 3-5am Breakfast and or Pool Party.  THe PG Team raises almost $35,000 to cover the cost of the entire evening.  The max a class can raise is the average spend of the previous 3 years.  For more information, 
Please review the Guidelines on the menu to the right

How are the Co-Chairs and Committee Selected? 

Early each May a Project Graduation Survey is emailed to all Junior parents and an introduction meeting is held at the HS by the H&S President, who reviews the Project Graduation Overview, answers questions and discusses ideas with the parents who attend.  
Each Junior Parent is requested to complete the survey which asks some general interest questions about Project Graduation, as well as requests those interested to volunteer for Co-Chair, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs or volunteers. 
Parents are usually given 2 weeks to complete the survey.  The H&S President and the HS Principal review the results and select the Co-Chairs and Treasurer(s).  These positions are voted on at the June Home & School meeting.  These volunteers then meet with the current year PG Chairpeople in August for the hand-off of the PG Book, Bank Account, and other important information.  The Co-Chairs then select the Committee Chairs.  Project Graduation is a Sub-Committee of the GRHS MS Home & School Association. 

When do classes start fundraising and organizing?

Some classes start right away by hosting parent socials around the time of 8th grade promotion and hold socials each year (see more below).  Other classes wait until the survey to select Co-Chairs in May of their Junior year and start fundraising the summer before Senior year.

How do Parent organize a Parent Social  Prior to Senior Year "Project Graduation?"

Note this is completely optional and has not been done by every class.  Often the Committee organizing the 8th Grade Student Promotion have a meeting to organize decorations and desserts for promotion.  More information is available in the H&S Middle School section.  Parents often schedule a Parent Social around the time of the 8th Grade promotion.  This is when a class Facebook page is made, and emails are sent to parents through the school to start to get the class organized. 
It is not suggested to hold the Parent event the same evening as the 8th Grade Promotion, as parents need to be responsible for setting up, cleaning up, and picking their children up on-time and not in an impaired condition. 
Those interested in organizing a Parent Social should contact the GRHS MS H&S President for approval and review of the requirements.  Past Social have been held at local Restaurants, as well as Parent back yards where food and beverages are donated by parents.  In all cases a suggested per student donation is requested, with checks payable the GRHS H&S Association.  These checks are then deposited into the Home & School account, held under the class year name until that class becomes "Project Graduation" their Senior year.
The President can provide the needed information on (1) Insurance Riders if event is held at a parent house, (2) Process for allowable Email Communications through the School (can be no mention of alcohol in any communication), (3)  Other Important Guidelines.
Questions, please email the GRHS H&S President at