PG Guidelines
Project Graduation Guidelines - revised April 2023
- No one but the current graduating class may call themselves Project Graduation
- May take place starting in June of 8th grade (with a parent social within the grade).
- 9-11th grade fundraising may only be in the form of parent socials within the grade.
- The High School Home and School President and the High School Principal must approve all gatherings.
- An insurance rider must be obtained from the Board of Education's insurer for all gatherings.
- Absolutely no fundraising by selling products or services in grades 9-11.
- Finances collected between 9th and 11th grade will be maintained by the HS Home and School Association and will be itemized on the monthly treasurer's report.
- The total funds will be transferred into the appropriate year Project Graduation account on or about July 31st leading into senior year.
- There will be a per pupil cap not to exceed $250 per student. Any changes should be approved by Executive Council.
- Raised funds that exceed the cap must be returned to the High School Home and School Association to be used to benefit all high school students.
- All fundraisers that are not used by a particular Project graduation become the property of the High School Home and School Association to use and/or "mind" for future Project graduation committees.
- All PG communication must be approved by the PG Chairs and High School Principal.
- The school can send email communication to parents and students and can provide mailing labels. However, the school will not provide an electronic list of contact information for the parents and students.
- Email communication will only be sent out a maximum of 3 times per event.
- Email communication to be distributed by the school should be submitted to the High School Principal with at least 48 hours notice.
Project Graduation Committees:
- In April or May of each year, a survey is sent out to all Junior Class parents. In the survey, parents are asked to sign up for Overall Chair, Treasurer, Publicity, and Event CoChairs or volunteers. From the survey results, the GRHS Home & School President and High School Principal select project Graduation Chairs and Treasurers who are then approved at the June Home & School Meeting. The Co-Chairs will then select event chairs.
- Each committee will have a leader who reports to the PG chairs and is responsible for the success of that committee and managing to the budget. The committee leader will be responsible for monitoring their budget and notifying the PG chairs of revised forecasts, especially if they anticipate going over budget.
- The PG chairs have the authority to reallocate funds at the expense of another committee, if necessary.
- Each committee lead is responsible for an end of year summary report that will be kept in the Master Binder and sent electronically to the PG chairs.
- The Project Graduation Committee will complete the master binder and Financial Audit for the year and turn it over to the following year's committee chairs by August 15th.
Questions? Contact current GRHS Home & School President