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Glen Ridge High School

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GRHS Students are fortunate to have a great Guidance Office that coordinates over 50 scholarships each year.  This year the scholarship application, information and deadlines have been moved to Naviance. 
 Please note, while many scholarships are need based, not all of them are - some focus on leadership, community service, etc regardless of income.  
 You can access Naviance by clicking here.
  1. Use your username and password to access the site - if you don't remember or need a new one, there are links to register or reset
  2. Click on the Document Library (on the right hand side)
  3. Click on Scholarship Applications
  4. You can then select each Scholarship and read the qualifications required and application requirements.
Check back often as new scholarships are frequently added.  You will also receive an email through naviance when items are added.
Questions?  Contact Erin Follet in Guidance at