7th and 8th Grade Parent Mentors
Welcome to the Middle School Mentors
What is our goal? : Our goal is to help 7th Grade parents navigate Middle School with the wit, know-how and support of our experienced 8th Grade parents.
How will we do it? : We will ask each 8th Grade Mentor to select a Mentee or two and provide their contact information or the method by which they might be contacted. You might choose to meet for coffee, you may be a texter or a phone call away or even email...whatever feels comfortable for you both!
Please check back often as our pages will include links and helpful tips!
Who we are and who we are not: We are active and positive supporters of GR Middle School and its programming. We help to direct mentees to the proper channels, offer insights and share ideas to help mentees navigate 8th Grade successfully. Mentors do not speak for administration but do help to support school directives. We are grateful to each and every one of you for your continued support!