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Glen Ridge High School

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Middle School Activities

Middle School Clubs & Activities


If you are interested in joining one of these clubs, please email the faculty advisor for more information.


If you are interested in starting a new Middle School club, please see Ms. Landgraber or email her at to get the process started.



Middle School Student Council

 Middle School Student Council is a four person committee that coordinates and runs many of the 7th and 8th grade activities during the school year. The four positions are elected spots through direct vote after a campaign. Within the MS Student Council, there is also a "dance committe," which any student can join.  The dance committee plans middle school dances, activity nights and other student council events.  For more information, see the "Student Council" page at :

Mr. Majewski


Book Club: Ridger Readers  NEW!!

Ridger Readers is a middle school book club made possible by a grant from the Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF). Students may choose the selections they want to read and will form smaller discussion groups. Groups can take turns planning interesting activities and treats for our monthly meetings. Meets once a month during MS lunch period in the school library.

Ms. Abrahamsen

Mrs. Savio


Builders Club (Community Service Club)

 The GRHS Builder's Club is a middle school club is sponsored by the adult Kiwanis Club designed to empower middle school students and teach leadership skills through community service. The Builder's Club works in conjunction with and feeds into the high school's Key Club and is filled with community service and fun events, such as clothing drives, volunteering opportunities at various locations, and fundraising for our service projects.  We meet every other Thursday after school in Room 110.

Mr. Levine


Jazz Band

The Middle School Jazz Band runs from December through May and meets twice a week after school in the Band Room. The ensemble explores styles that include swing, blues, Latin and funk, and the group is featured at several school and community events. Look out for auditions in November, open to woodwind and brass players, rhythm section (including pianists) and vocalists.


Mr. Darren Gage


Middle School Concert Chorus
This group of 7th and 8th grade vocalists prepare for multiple concerts throughout the school year at weekly rehearsals with Mr. Pavliv. We focus on vocal techniques through advanced choral repertoire while working together to perform in four to six part harmony. The chorus also competes annually at Music in The Parks against other middle schools throughout the region.
String Orchestra
Comprised of violin, viola, cello and double bass, the Glen Ridge String Orchestra is made up of students from 7th through 12th grades. We perform throughout the school year both within the school and at community events. Working through both a classical and modern day repertoire, our ensemble meets weekly with Mr. Pavliv.
String Ensemble
Thursday's after school until 4:00
Middle School Concert Chorus
Tuesday's after school until 4:00
Mr Greg Pavliv


 Math Counts

 Math Counts is a middle school math club that gives students the opportunity to engage in mathematics that is non-competitive, fun and different from “textbook math.” Math Counts meetings consist of games and group activities, instead of individual desk work, so that students grow to see math not just as a school subject but as a fun, social activity.​

Ms. Felicia Andorko



 Middle School Mentors (8th Grade Only)

This club is made of 8th graders who want to serve as mentors to 6th graders as they start the transition process to 7th grade.  MS Mentors meet with the 6th grade homerooms, plan team building activities, answer questions and give tours of the high school.  There is an application process to be a middle school mentor.  MS Mentors does not start until February.
Ms. Landgraber


Newspaper (Journalist)
The Journalist is Glen Ridge High School's news publication which includes a Middle School section.  It is produced solely by the students on the newspaper staff.  Our newspaper includes a variety of sections and topics.   Students who join the newspaper staff may eventually seek out a career in journalism, photojournalism, or photography.  Others may have no desire to enter the journalism field but enjoy writing for the sake of writing.  Writers and photographers are always welcome
Ms. Christina Abrahamsen


Yearbook Club
Yearbook is a club for serious social students!  Get out and take pictures, interview peers and assemble the memories of the school year in a fun and creative way.  Meetings every other Thursday beginning October 1. 

Ms. Courtney Warren


Middle School Drama Club

Middle School Drama Webpage

Advisor Heather Ballantyne